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The Fox

Fox has been modeling for over 10 years and

has always been an artist at heart.

I started in my high school years. As a very shy individual

at that age I found it extremely hard to fit in, one way of

expressing myself at that time was through my hair and

adding anything I could to my school uniform. Whether it be pining pink chains to make me look 'edgy' or pieces of ribbon on my bag.

I was constantly trying to express myself the only way I knew how, which is when the teachers started to notice.

One suggestion my late mother said was to try modeling. I just looked at her like she was crazy. Me? The quiet one never raising her hand or speaking up for want that person to MODEL?!


At the time it was such a foreign concept but would later have an ENORMOUS impact to my life. If you would have told me on that morning of my first photo shoot that I would eventually be doing this as my work and earning an income from not only my modeling photos but my art (which at the time wasn't even on the table for me, typical artist brain. Doesn't reckon my art is good enough) I would have looked you dead in the eye and laughed. BUT little me had no idea what was in store for her.


After my first shoot I was ALIVE! I felt an immense amount of freedom and boundless limits to what I could achieve, and for the first time in my young life I had the feeling of confidence.


From there the rest is history, I soon began to learn my strengths and weaknesses. My own style and how to incorporate that into my work. I have been fortunate enough to meet some very lovely photographers and people through what I do, which in affect has given me a boost of self esteem and pride.

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